Our Awards

Ut dignissim condimentum erat sit amet pellentesque. Aenean lacus mi, lobortis et sem interdum, ultrices tincidunt felis. Praesent lacinia cursus arcu, id ultricies leo viverra in. Phasellus rutrum nibh eu mollis dapibus. Aenean auctor quam lorem, a pulvinar odio finibus ut. Vivamus commodo pulvinar quam, vel porta lorem vestibulum ut. Proin arcu lorem, volutpat id justo et, venenatis ullamcorper tellus. Vivamus fringilla dolor quis urna tristique aliquet. Praesent a tortor dignissim, molestie eros non, porta enim. Nullam at mattis neque. Nunc ut tellus sit amet justo feugiat condimentum quis dapibus mauris. Praesent nulla metus, posuere nec mollis quis, semper eu odio. Proin eget nisi suscipit, dignissim risus et, tincidunt nulla.

Fond of traveling You have visited 25 different airports
in travel fever You have visited 50 different airports
in travel mania You have visited 100 different airports
Transit Amateur You flew 10,000 passengers on vacation
Transit professional You flew 100,000 passengers on vacation
Transit champion You flew 1,000,000 passengers on vacation
Amateur Pilot Fly over 100 hours
Profi Pilot You landed 100 times butter soft
Captain You landed 1000 times butter soft
Greece Tour Awards Every pilot can get this award by finishing the Greece Tour.
Austrian Badge You will get it after completing the autstian tour.
Arusha / Tansania Award Für alle Teilnehmer, die beim Brunnenbau geholfen haben
South American Tour Award You will only get it after completing the south american tour.
Tour of Germany Award Tour of Germany Award
Iberian Tour Award Iberian Tour Award
Canary Tour Award Completed the Canary Tour
The Boot Tour Award Completed the Boot Tour
Scandinavian Tour Award Scandinavian Tour Award
Tour of Germany Part 2 Award Tour of Germany Part 2 Award
Route 66 Award Route 66 Award
Tour of Germany Part 3 Regional Award Tour of Germany Part 3 Regional Award
A380-Überführung Award A380-Überführung Award